Effectiveness of Gun Control on Firearm Involved Homicide Deaths


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of gun control laws on firearm deaths. Statistical data is used to provide context of firearm involved homicide. The potential effectiveness of gun control laws are examined based on the statistical data.


Gun control is a frequently debated topic. The debate often focuses on the need and effectiveness of more restrictive gun control laws. This paper will attempt to address those particular arguments.


A quantitative research method was used based on statistical data derived from U.S. government sources. All data is applicable to the year 2011, as this was the most recent year that data was readily available.


The total number of homicide incidents involving a firearm was 9,900 in 2011.


U.S. Department of Justice

Homicide in the U.S. Known to Law Enforcement, 2011 (page 6)


US population on July 1, 2011 was 311,644,280.


United States Census Bureau

U.S. and World Population Clock


The percent of U.S. population killed in firearm involved homicide was approximately 0.003% in 2011.

The percent of firearm involved homicides where the perpetrator ignored existing law was 100% in 2011.


Homicide incidents involving a firearm affected an extremely small proportion of the overall population in 2011. There does not appear to be a compelling need for increased gun control. Furthermore, criminals do not obey laws, therefore it's logical to conclude that gun control laws are generally ineffective at reducing firearm involved homicides.

Myth and Fact

It is a myth that if all firearms are strictly regulated and removed from society that violence will be reduced. In China it is nearly impossible to obtain a firearm. In late April 2018 seven middle school children were killed and another 19 injured in a stabbing attack in the Shaanxi Province of northern China. The British Office for National Statistics has stated that police recorded 39,598 offenses involving a knife or sharp instrument in 2017. Of course, guns are strictly regulated in Britain.

Removing guns does not remove violence because guns are not the source of the violence. Firearms are merely the instrument used to carry out the violent attack. Removing guns only causes violent people to use knives and other weapons. The source of the violence is untreated mental health issues.