Government Comparison

An Overview Of Political Systems

This page will try to give an overview of political party beliefs and show the similarities and differences between them.

This report is far from comprehensive. Indeed, a comprehensive report would surly be extremely long and complicated. There's too many political parties and too many policies to list. Some parties place significantly more emphasis on some policies while almost ignoring others, so I will not include every party in every policy.

Control Of Business

After the industrial revolution, business (known as the means of production) became the primary driver of the economy. Consequently, whoever controlled business basically controlled the economy and society. It's important to note that Communism advocates complete government ownership and control over business, while Fascism allowed citizens to retain ownership with complete government control. In reality, there is almost no practical difference.

Level Of Government Control Over Business

Total Control

Communism, Nazism


Progressivism source

Mixed Economy source


Neoconservatism source


Laissez-faire source

No Control

Control Of The Nation

Nationalist emphasize borders, language and culture. They support tightly controlled borders (limited immigration), a single national language, service to the country, protecting national history and cultures, high import tariffs to protect national businesses and - possibly above all else - pride in the nation.

Globalist advocate open borders, free international trade, multiculturalism, equality, and a view that nations are part of a global community.

Nationalism vs. Globalism


Nazism source



Communism source



Control Of Society

Totalitarianism is a political system in which the government recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to completely control every aspect of public and private life. A totalitarian regime will employ secret police and encourage citizens to spy on each other. Free thought and expression of ideas are forbidden. Have you read 1984?

Totalitarianism vs. Personal Freedom


Fascism, Nazism


Republicanism source



Personal Freedom

Control Of Social Class

The welfare state is a concept of government in which the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the social and economic well-being of its citizens (taking from one to give to another). In this context welfare is defined as all potential public services (education, health care, social security, etc.) Welfare could also be defined as placing the common good before the individual good.

Welfare State vs. Personal Freedom

Welfare State


Fascism, Nazism

Liberalism, Progressivism




Personal Freedom

Control Of The World

Imperialism is an action that involves a country (usually a relatively large and powerful one) extending its power by the acquisition, control and exploitation of foreign territories. The goal could be monetary gain and / or increased influence in the region.

Imperialism vs. Non-Imperialism


Neoconservatism source

Fascism, Nazism source



